Monday, May 4, 2009

How to Judge Yourself

How to Judge Yourself

One of the most challenging theories since the ancient times is to controlling yourself. Different types of methods have been discovered by scientists and religious people to have control in ourselves. Control in mind, behavior, emotions etc. helps us to get rid of anxiety, fear, anger etc.
If you have full control over your mind, the mind remains stable and steady. Peace in mind comes when your mind is focused and concentrated. When your mind is agitated you acquire bad thoughts which finally cause disease in you.
For control, concentration, meditation you need to know yourself. You need to study yourself; in fact Judge yourself. If you can judge yourself, you can also have control in your mind. Follow some steps or rules that will guide to Judge all the activities in you, whether it is physical or mental. Nowadays, different types of Mental Health Software are also available in the market which helps you to control your emotions, feelings etc. You just need to enter data in your Personal Computer and see the results after few months.

Here are some tips from my own experiences that may help you to go in the right track and also will help you to know your own soul or mind or emotions etc.:-
1. Keep an eye on your own activities in your day-to-day life very clearly.
2. Always think about the past. Think what happened to you and why did you do that?
3. Make questions in your mind asking yourself whether the work that you did was OK.
4. Did any of your actions hurt anybody?
5. Are you jealous of anybody? Why are you jealous? Is it true to be jealous?
6. Did you show your anger to anyone? Anger makes you to do wrong activities. Check if your anger was correct, whether the situation would have been better if you were not angry etc.
7. Think of your own behavior. Judge your actions, how could you be better.
8. You may see that you are repeatedly doing something that is not correct. You have to place your footsteps cautiously.
9. Always check to see if your relatives, friends are happy with you. If they are not happy with you then find the reason in yourself. Do whatever is right and whatever makes your intimate relationships happier.
10. Try to learn from your mistakes. Try to avoid doings mistakes over and over again. Correct them and apply to the next situation when it arises. Having Patience can get you away of mistakes.
11. Avoid doing negative thinking.

After you know who you are, what you are, it will be easier for you to control your attitude and mind. So Judge and then control!